Friday, November 18, 2011

I Might Go to Portugal!

Last week a little bird in the AdLab told me that Leo Burnett Lisbon was offering a 3 day internship as a Creative Director. They gave you the YDA Drama Queen commercial, and asked you pitch it the way you would if you were a CD.
I should have been able to come up with some REALLY creative stuff in a week, something to really blow the boys at Leo out of the water, right?
Well, another week of my crazy life went by, right up till the final hour of the deadline. I wasn't going to apply, the chances were so slim. And heck, how would I pay to get myself to Portugal in just two weeks? But I thought, you won't have any chance at all if you don't try.
I had all these great ideas in my mind of how to pitch this thing, but in the end I just pitched it the way I would pitch anything in class or in the AdLab: face to face talking. I locked myself in the Brimhall conference room after everyone else had gone home for the night, and very abruptly got over my fear of seeing myself on film.
Then i did a couple quick iMovie edits, created a vimeo account, and uploaded my submission; honestly thinking nobody else would ever see it. It was after all, way past the deadline in Lisbon time. Since last night my video has had 115 views. It's no Justin Bieber video, but for me that's a lot!
Today they posted the shortlist, and I checked it out just to see what the top picks had done for their videos. I scrolled down the list (they all looked awesome) and then . . . what's that . . . at the very bottom of the list?? It's Kristen!!!
I about peed.
CRAAAAZY! I made the top 10! And I am the only American! Whooo would have thought in a million years?
Monday they announce the winner, wish me luck!

Check out the Trainee Creative Director Shortlist: click here.

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