Saturday, December 10, 2011

A Family Holiday Film Fest

It's the most wonderful time of the year! Who doesn't love
Sugar cookies
Hot chocolate
Freezing weather (especially with a broken car window)
Mittens and scarves
Final exams (or in my case, final papers and ad campaigns)
Grocery store bell ringers in santa hats
Gingerbread houses
Christmas music that is finally appropriate
Aaaaand Christmas movies!?

This Christmas my parents will be experiencing Twelve Days of Kristen.
Which also means I'll be forcing them to watch one of my favorite Christmas movies every day. Here is this year's lineup:

1. The Santa Clause
2. Elf
3. Christmas Vacation
4. The Grinch (Jim Carey version)
5. A Christmas Story
6. Home Alone
7. It's a Wonderful Life
8. Christmas with the Kranks
8. Just Friends
9. Rudolph
10. The Holiday
11. Prancer
12. Jack Frost (yes, the hockey kid who's dad comes back to life as a snowman)

And as extra curricular, maybe we'll watch some new Christmas movies, like:
Scrooged, starring Bill Murray
Joyeux Noël
Trading Places
Christmas Vacation 2: Cousin Eddie's Island Adventure
(how could this NOT be good?)
Silent Night, Deadly Night (a controversial slasher film about a murderous Santa Claus)
What Would Jesus Buy? (a documentary about the commercialization of Christmas)
Deck the Halls, starring Danny DeVito
And last but not least, how could I have missed this gem?

It's sure to be a very merry Christmas indeed.