Saturday, December 17, 2011

Could I trouble you for a glass of warm milk?

For most of the world, December is a glass of holiday cheer. For college students, December is a glass of anxiety garnished with a dollop of hell; so hot you might have a meltdown.

Yes, finals week. Every year seems to outdo the last. For me, this year's finals consisted of zero exams, but nearly zero sleep.

Sunday night I stayed up finishing my portfolio. Tuesday night I stayed up designing a pirate magazine. Wednesday night I stayed up writing my 8-page paper. Friday night I stayed up packing and cleaning.

In the week I also managed to do my final creative writing project, give a speech for lit & film, meet with Prof. Kelly about my portfolio and get assignments for over the break, edit my clown commercial, get my car window fixed and longboard to the shop to pick it up, meet with animators lots about our glitter commercial, enter the Addy Awards, bake cookies, deliver them to friends, and work 19:59 hours.

Ahh yeah, three all-nighters in four days, baby. I can't remember a time I've felt so miserable.
But there's good news! I got accepted to the Comms New York Spring Internship Program (should I choose to accept it) and I will soon be stranded in the most boring town on earth for twelve days of good sleep.

Here's a couple of my projects. A magazine I wrote and designed:

Click here to see the whole thing.

And this little guy:

Glitter from Kristen Scharf on Vimeo.


  1. HAHAHAHAHAH I was literally in it during the fast-mo pan to the pretty girl table. hahahahah ohhhhhh. But seriously, I love it love it love it. It turned out so good. It's like professional!!!

  2. wait the background of like 2 other shots. Rescinded.
