Monday, May 16, 2011

From Parent to Child

Dear Blog,

First off, let me apologize. I know we didn't really get off to a good start. I understand why you may feel out of place. Because while most of your friends were born out of love, you were not. You were born out of reluctance. Out of obligation. Out of duty. Yeah, you were born from a news writing assignment that required me to post an article to my non existent blog.

In the months following your birth you were abandoned. I blame myself as your mother and my anti-blogitude. Let me explain. For a long time I believed people who blogged were bored with their real life so they made a fake virtual one. They were moms wanting to broadcast their children's cuteness. They were newly wed housewives with no jobs and lots of computer time. They were anime watching, scrapbooking, diaper-changing people. And I wasn't.

Then came the day I needed a friend. A friend to help me sort out all the thoughts in my head. A friend I could tell my secrets to that would keep their mouth shut. Since humans were out of the question, and handwriting took too much effort, I rediscovered you. And so you became my hidden journal.

Time went by and really cool stuff happened all the time. Things I could have blogged about. Things I didn't think I needed to blog about. So why after all this time, am I finally making you public? Because honestly, I need a place to write about stuff so that people can see how cool I am. Call me selfish, call me careless, call me whatever. But now that I'm going to be a copywriter, I need to write. Go figure.

Maybe you loved the mindless posts that once filled your walls, but they're gone. They've passed. They're dead. They're murdered. They're saved to my computer in a secret place because they were embarrassing. There- I said it.

So now, staring into your blank bloggy face, my life's experiences flood my memories and all the epic things I could have written about. But we can't live with regrets. We have to move on. Life is still going to happen. It's still going to be awesome. And together we can capture it, admire it, harvest its organs, and share it with our friends and family.

Here's to you, blog. Through it all, you've never let me down. May our future bring us friends, fortune, job offers, and sweet bloggy jubilation.

With Love,

1 comment:

  1. Kristen, it is an honor and a privilege to be your mother, you are INCREDIBLE!
