Tuesday, May 17, 2011

women's conference

Every year near the end of April, our school is graced by the presence of hundreds of middle aged women. This often dreaded event is known as Women's Conference. This year I decided to make a list of why I enjoy Women's Conference and why you should too.

1. Fast Food Faster: The line for Taco Bell is empty. Meanwhile the L&T salads place is calling in reinforcements and trying to set up more of those line maze things.

2. Service Opportunities. When multiple people ask you which building is the Wilk, you can feel really intelligent and helpful.

3. Myth Busting. Before Women's Conference I didn't know people actually wore shape ups. Boy was I wrong. Whether or not they work is another question.

4. Overheard@BYU is more entertaining. For example: Someone at BYU for Women's Conference: "Are you wearing a Jimmer shirt, too? Does everyone wear them at BYU?!"

5. Urinals are fair game. It's the one time of year it doesn't matter which bathroom you go into. Unless you're a boy, then you're out of luck.

6. Bookstore sales skyrocket. Apart from selling overpriced textbooks, I'm pretty sure the bookstore makes most of its yearly profit from women's conference and efy kids. How many students do you see buying music boxes, cookie jars, hallmark cards, and framed pictures of temples? We might not even NEED a bookstore if it weren't for this yearly event.

7. Anything can happen. During this past women's conference the Provo PD and firefighters were called in to help a conference attendee who had fallen down the bookstore stairs. Let's be safe, ladies. Please use the handrails.

1 comment:

  1. OK, seriously, this made me almost wet my pants laughing so hard! Are we middle-aged women really so pathetic? :-P
